University of Pretoria, Faculty of Humanities
2020 Postgraduate Scholarships: Critical Food Studies

This Mellon-funded programme explores the significance of food and the various ramifications of how food is produced and marketed.

Themes explored under this programme include:

  • how food is culturally experienced viscerally, through taste, appetites and desires;
  • the representation, branding and marketing of food in an increasingly food-focused commodity culture;
  • the contextual meanings of gustatory “taste”; symbolic or imaginative representations of “good food”,“cooking” and cuisine in subject-formation;
  • food consumption in struggles for agency, social prestige or cultural or social autonomy;
  • the materiality of food and its visual representation in artwork, performance and popular culture.

We invite applications from students in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Preference will be given to previously disadvantaged groups.

Closing Date for applications is 15 October 2019

Applications should be submitted via this link: Applications

Enquiries ONLY: Heather Thuynsma –

More information:
UP call – Critical Food Studies 2020
